MacTech Article > Introduction to AppleScriptObjC (Cocoa-AppleScript)

AppleScriptObjC, also known as Cocoa-AppleScript, is a framework in OS X. It was initially released with OS X 10.6, and serves as the official replacement for AppleScript Studio, which Apple deprecated at the time. AppleScriptObjC is used by scripters to write rich, fully featured Cocoa apps in AppleScript. Think of AppleScriptObjC as the “Pro” version of AppleScript. For building simple scripts, AppleScript alone works great. For building advanced and complex scripts, perhaps with advanced interfaces, you want to think about moving to AppleScriptObjC.

If you’re a hardcore AppleScript developer or regular MacTech reader, then you’ve probably heard of AppleScriptObjC. You may have worked your way through a tutorial, and maybe even created a very simple app. If you haven’t used AppleScriptObjC yet, then you may have used Xcode in the past to develop AppleScript Studio apps. This month’s column starts with the basics. It provides a very introductory look at AppleScriptObjC. While we won’t build an actual app just yet, we’ll explore some of AppleScriptObjC’s core concepts and syntax.

[Read the full article in MacTech magazine's Fall 2012 Special issue, available in print and in the MacTech iPad Newsstand app]

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