Archives for August 2012

Text Automator Action Pack Updated to 4.0.5

The Text Automator Action Pack has been updated to version 4.0.5. Changes include:

  • Read Text File Action - Updated to include a popup menu to specify the encoding type of file to be read. Options include Plain Text, Unicode (UTF-8), and Unicode (UTF-16).

This action pack extends the power of Automator with 30 actions for performing text manipulation functions in Mac OS X.

The new version is available in the Mac App Store.

Display Notification Center Alert Automator Action 1.0.1

Added support for international and unicode text.  Get the action here!

Mac Productivity: Mountain Lion GateKeeper Workaround

If you're a Mountain Lion user, then you've probably encountered GateKeeper.  This is Apple's latest security mechanism, which restricts the apps that can be launched on your Mac.  By default, GateKeeper only allows apps to run that are from the Mac App Store, or digitally signed by official developers who have registered with Apple.  Try and launch an app from an unknown developer, and GateKeeper shuts it right down. What if you need to use the app, though?  Can you launch it without disabling GateKeeper entirely?  Sure you can. [Read more on the Peachpit blog...]

Display Notification Center Alert Automator Action 1.0.0

I've written a new Automator action for displaying a notification center alert in Mountain Lion.  You can use it to display a notification when a workflow is complete, to remind you to buy your wife flowers, or anything else that might require a custom alert. I hope you find it useful.


P.S. If you like this, please check out my other Automator actions.

Configuring the action for use. You can specify a title, subtitle, and message

A Notification Center alert displayed by the action

A Notification Center message displayed by the action

 Display Notification Center Alert 1.0.1


Version History

2012-08-26 - Version 1.0.0
2012-08-29 - Version 1.0.1 - Added support for international and unicode text

Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.

Photo Credit: NASA

Neil Armstrong.  Hero.  Rest in peace.

iOS Productivity: Remotely Access your Mac with LogMeIn

Your ability to accomplish things while on the go is key to your mobile productivity.  You've got tons of great apps on your iPhone or iPad, and probably have some level of access to your important files too, maybe through Dropbox or iCloud.  You can do almost anything, but every now and then, you hit a wall.  Maybe you need to make some emergency changes in an InDesign layout back home, check on the status of your Mac's backup, or dig up tax returns you filed away on your external drive.  If only you could connect to your Mac remotely, take control, and do what you need.  With LogMeIn, you can do exactly that. [Read more on the Peachpit blog...]

Mac and iOS Productivity Tip: Keeping Up with the News

Staying up to date with your favorite websites and blogs can be a real chore, and a major productivity drain.  If only there was a way to quickly get the latest unread headlines from top sites in one place, at any time, on any devices.  There is.  Available for iPad, iPhone, and Mac is Reeder, the popular Google Reader client. [Read more on the Peachpit blog...]

iOS Productivity: Downloading Knowledge Faster

Your iPhone and iPad are full of useful knowledge.  You've downloaded tons of audio books, podcasts, and iTunesU content.  The problem is that there just aren't enough hours in the day to download all of it to your brain.  Here's a tip that might help... [Read more on the Peachpit blog...]